Walter Benjamin Kolleg

Kick-off Event

Wednesday, 2017/10/25, 18:30

Josefine Klougart, writer, Denmark


Kick-off event with the Danish writer Josefine Klougart, eighth Friedrich Dürrenmatt guest professor.

Event organizer: Walter Benjamin Kolleg | Guest Professorship
Speaker: Josefine Klougart, writer, Denmark
Date: 2017/10/25
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Locality: Hallersaal
Münstergasse 63
3000 Bern 8
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge

Kick-off Event fall term 2017

Our guest professor Josefine Klougart will be introduced by professor Oliver Lubrich, answering questions about her artistic work and plans in Bern.